
MUSTARD SEED Spiritual Overview ā€¦we are flawed. Thatā€™s why God made Jesus for us as an example to follow. We are born spiritually perfect but develop into ā€˜works in progressā€™. We eventually discover God (Jesus Christ) emotionally (spiritually) in our own heart.  Some feel Scripture is bogus. We can ā€œthankā€ Satan and human narcissistic tendencies for… Continue reading Synopsis

Categorized as Portal


Portal (a book of writings) Introduction šŸŒ“ under a tree wondering to be beyond the lee amid the sea outside of me untethered and free Many of us are drawn to the heavens. I imagine weā€™re the only species on the planet that dreams of outer space adventure! What created this outer notion in my… Continue reading Prelude

Categorized as Portal


An artistā€™s blind path. 1969 was the year I would have graduated high school but had different ideas. Over the years I’ve had a number of favorite music artists. Many reaching the depths of my soul and lifting me out. The Moody Blues captured it the longest with this song. Celebrate with me this beautiful song I… Continue reading Life

God Package

I was introduced to Christianity at an early age. I was a typical wacky kid with a wild imagination. While I was growing up, I maintained Godā€™s image from the seed in my little childā€™s brain as a beautiful, older than anybody, white haired, white robed, bearded, distant, brightly glowing super Man with a tall staff… Continue reading God Package


I thought I would write about God. Iā€™m always writing about myself, so itā€™s high time I wrote about someone else. But I have to write about God from my own perspective. So I reckon I canā€™t get away from that.  I have never seen God unless you count what I can see of the… Continue reading Feeling


If youā€™ve aged, youā€™re physically not the same person that you started withā€¦ A long time ago, I read a science magazine article that claimed every cell in our body is replaced about three times in a lifetime. And everyone changes their mind at least a ā€œlittle bitā€ over the course of living. But our… Continue reading Unique

The Road

Decisions, decisions, decisionsā€¦ life is full of them. ā€œThe Roadā€ inspiration comes from motorcycle touring adventure in the southern Appalachian Mountains. There decisions unfold with the mountain curves and breezes. Riding airs out the soul leaving serenity in place of stress. Mountain roads and views put everything in proper perspective. Problems tend to loose their… Continue reading The Road


ā€œHe alone stretches out the heavens and treads on the waves of the sea.ā€ Job 9:8 NIV God doesnā€™t reveal how we will appear physically in Heaven. Jesus wasnā€™t easily recognized by His friend Mary Magdalene or His followers after the resurrection. God does not reveal EVERYTHING to us at once. Sometimes he waits a lifetime. Some of us need… Continue reading Heaven


God meant for us to be observant. He loves attention. The above image features our natural starship nestled in its familiar orbit. Which, according to Wiki, is leading our solar system at a speed of close to 500,000 miles per hour around the Milky Way center. Which is heading at roughly 300,000 mph towards merging with… Continue reading StarShip


How can God be so lovingly interpersonal and yet have built the vast, incredibly beautiful, and self-propagating living mind-boggling universe? How can He briefly touch us so humanly intimately and yet be so much incredibly more than a short-lived human? Some simply see God as a mysterious Force behind EVERYTHINGā€¦ and theyā€™re not wrong. God… Continue reading God


ā€¦was born to reach us and grown to teach us ā€¦died in our place and lives in our heartā€¦ The chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin were looking for [some] evidence against Jesus so that they could put him to death. But they did not find any, though many false witnesses came forward. Finally two… Continue reading Jesus

Matter of Color

James was the half brother of Jesus Christ. Of all the Bible authors, he may have had the most intimate mortal relationship with Jesus. I think we learn from James what it was like growing up with Christ. ā€œMy dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to… Continue reading Matter of Color

Simply Put

The world could use a little Prozac. Especially the people that are hooked on always watching the mainstream news. Itā€™s unhealthy mental digestion to constantly eat up the negative headlines. A better diet consists of more interaction with family and friends in a fun way. If your family reminds you of mainstream news, then perhaps… Continue reading Simply Put

Mental Health

When I was growing up in the 50ā€™s and 60ā€™s we hid our mental illnesses. It was something to be ashamed of. We havenā€™t changed much. Now we just have a greater population of the mentally unstable. So it makes the headlines more often. In my laymanā€™s opinion, mental illness is a physical brain disorder and… Continue reading Mental Health


ā€¦was created to reach us and decided to test us ā€¦speaks to our emotions and is after our soul ā€œBe alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.ā€ 1 Peter 5:8 NIV Satan is the great divider. The more we resist lifeā€™s evil temptations… Continue reading Satan


I think humanityā€™s worst enemy is moral division. The Devil doesnā€™t like it when weā€™re kind to each other. He throws fear, jealousy, envy, pride, egotism, narcissism, paranoia, apathy, discontent, worry, inferiority, superiority, and especially greed at us. And everything else heā€™s got to combat kindness. Satan is a master of moral division. Thatā€™s how he operates.… Continue reading Overcoming


A librarianā€™s life is a humble life and all about helping others. So should ours be. But it seems the Devil is taking over these days. Trying to pummel the humble helpers into the ground. It has always seemed to me that the Devil is in need of restraint. Todayā€™s counter culture activity is just… Continue reading Help

Works in Progress

The Bible teaches us that we should not expect to be perfect, but we can improve and we can love! God is always at work for those that listen and even for those that donā€™t. God, please strengthen usin your Loveand weaken us in our hate There are three essential requirements for living a healthy spiritual life; love… Continue reading Works in Progress

Dear Audience

Occasionally, weā€™re faced with challenges that help us grow a more stable, stronger sense of self and spirit. The assertion that the Bible is not entirely perfect is blasphemous to some. They are confused by a scheming Devil preying upon our somewhat narcissistic (self focused)ā€¦ ā€œglory to usā€ nature. God deserves all the Glory for… Continue reading Dear Audience

God Speak

High hopesā€¦ Sometimes, I can ā€œhearā€ God more distinctly in my mind. He has to correct me a lot. Because I tend to make a lot of mistakes. Iā€™m a stubborn human. Sometimes it takes me a while to write Godā€™s message. Iā€™m possessed of a busy disordered brain. Lots going on in there at… Continue reading God Speak


if the moon were to speak would it not be humblingā€¦ all our howling reboundingā€¦ Out of the primordial storm into the postmodern light, some romance the moon with loving eyes and inquisitive feetā€¦ but not my Starship Asterisk friend, Annā€¦šŸ„° She is MEH with the moon and lives for the color of the stars.… Continue reading Moonstruck

Love ā™„ļø

…is Godā€™s message Comprehension of eternity is fully one giant leap beyond the pale. We are one human race made up of billions of INDIVIDUALS. We each have unique thoughts. I believe that one day we will all be under God and of ā€œoneā€ spiritual (emotional) loving mindsetā€¦ Iā€™m just not sure when oneness of… Continue reading Love ā™„ļø


Friends happen when you make them. Godā€™s church is within each one of us. Whenever we gather in spiritual loveā€¦ weā€™ve built a church. Weā€™re always in church. Weā€™re never outside the love of a spiritual church. A physical structure simply provides shelter. Weā€™re in church when with a friend. Weā€™re in Godā€™s presence when weā€™re… Continue reading Friends


Common Senses I searched the internet for a list of human senses and got a result of eight. (1) Sight (2) Sound (3) Smell (4) Taste (5) Touch (6) Balance (7) Self-movement and (8) Internal Status We each experience Spirit (emotions) and Soul (self-awareness) as part of our Internal Status senses. Emotions (Spirit) and Self (Soul) are demonstrated in communicating and… Continue reading Minds

Blueprint šŸ’™

Worship Herein, is an approach to worshiping God. Iā€™m not a prophet or clergy, Iā€™m a commonologist with no credentials other than I love Godā€¦ same as a lot of other folks. The best way to worship and serve Godā€¦is to do what you love. We honor our Father when we love. I grew up… Continue reading Blueprint šŸ’™


A new pathā€¦ My wife and I discovered a bird nest in our fern hanging basket next to the front porch swing. Susan had noticed that the fern leaves were in disarray and wanted to straighten them out. So I grabbed the basket and handed it to her. We soon got an earful from a… Continue reading Nested

Off Grid

An old/new perspective ā€œOff gridā€ is a term indicating non conforming. Itā€™s used for example, to describe a CAD datapoint thatā€™s outside the established computer design coordinate system. Itā€™s also used to categorize people who live in the wilderness independent from mainstream society. In Words Portal, I write a bit about my spiritual thinking. My… Continue reading Off Grid


Many believe that we were created from star stuff. And that stars were born from the very hot and super compressed matter creation event science calls the Big Bang theory. Many believe that the Big Bang was caused by God. And that everything thatā€™s been created since the beginning, is Godā€™s doing. False pride is… Continue reading Dust

Web Friends

Iā€™m blessed with a beautiful audience. Thank you for gracing my website. We share a spiritual connection through the ether. Iā€™m overwhelmed by the kindness and humor found in Seanā€™s blog. Sean and his commenters have taught me that itā€™s possible to love others and them love you back even over the metaphysical aspect of… Continue reading Web Friends

Sean of the South

Truth is the MOST important ingredient of Edā€™s Art Netā€¦ Heck, the whole Universe! I donā€™t struggle with truth but I struggle with fluid and uncluttered thinking, especially when writing. Itā€™s a gene thing but itā€™s okay! I think that Iā€™m getting better at writing and Iā€™m feeling better mentally these days. Probably because I… Continue reading Sean of the South


I believe Godā€™s got interactive helpers. Thereā€™s been numerous times when I felt that I have an angel looking out for me. Three stand out. 1. I was with my two young friends, Stanley and Butch. We were ā€œswimmingā€ in Lake Allatoona. My swim skills were limited to getting wet, so we were standing neck… Continue reading Angel

Growing Up

I was born in the same year that the original sci-fi movie, ā€œThe Day the Earth Stood Still,ā€ was released. Being bipolar disordered, this knowledge triggered mild temporary delusional mania in my grand little illusionary brainā€¦ Itā€™s soon squelched after a quick smile. This website effectively documents a childā€™s unanswered prayer.I walk under Godā€™s wing.… Continue reading Growing Up


Iā€™m like the 9 year old in your family that wants to gain your interest by banging his own little wacky doodle head with a soft plastic toy bowling pin.šŸ¤Ŗ My grandparents made an 8mm movie reel of me doing just that. Iā€™ve known for a very long time that my ā€œatticā€ is full of… Continue reading Bipolar


Suicide is the mental equivalent of a terminal physical disease. Itā€™s not a willful act to ā€œcommitā€ suicide. ā€œCommit suicideā€ is a misnomer because it indicates that the victim was in control.  At that emotionally extreme point, the victim is not in control. The illness is in control. Suicide is the triumph of a disease… Continue reading Suicide


Harmony When I was young, creating art and music was all consuming. I painted on my bedroom walls, ceiling and anything else that was handy. I played my second hand black Harmony 1950s model semi hollow body electric guitar every available moment. Music and art flowed from me like rain off the Appalachian Mountains! As… Continue reading ā€œAllSparkā€


ā€œDo not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.ā€ James 1:22 NIV God has a plan. He loves us all. His plan is proofā€¦ His good and perfect plan! He spells His plan out for us many times over. His messaging is broadcast multiple times throughout Scripture and Nature. Sometimes we miss… Continue reading Audience


As far as I know, nothing is as inevitably constant as death. We cannot bank with any assurance on any of ā€œlifeā€™sā€ adventures. Most often we havenā€™t a clue whatā€™s around the next corner. We frequently wing it when it comes right down to it. Discovery is inspiration for the wandering soul. Not so with… Continue reading Death

The Twig

Is God real? How can God be so lovingly interpersonal and yet have built the vast, incredibly beautiful, and self-propagating living mind-boggling universe? How can He briefly touch us so humanly intimately and yet be so much incredibly more than a short-lived human? The answer is found within. At first, God doesnā€™t speak or show… Continue reading The Twig

Life Choice

Thereā€™s something incredible about life Since the first humans were formed, we have been propagated from a mix of the male and female. A brand new human life starts inside the mother as soon as her fertilized egg begins to multiply cells. We learn this at a very early age. Life is hard Our western… Continue reading Life Choice

The Plow

ā€œWhen a farmer plows for planting, does he plow continually? Does he keep on breaking up and working the soil? When he has leveled the surface, does he not sow caraway and scatter cumin? Does he not plant wheat in its place, barley in its plot, and spelt in its field? His God instructs him… Continue reading The Plow


ļ»æWhy are some folks empowering criminals? Thatā€™s irrational. Criminals are dangerous and destructive. Social misfits. Doesnā€™t everyone know that? They do evil things to others. Criminals hurt others. Many criminals cannot be rehabilitated and giving them freedom from deterrents gives them more power to do evil. Why do I feel the need to spell out… Continue reading Guns

Why on Earth

if the moon were to speak would it not be humblingā€¦ all our howlingreboundingā€¦ For the benefit of anyone who would like an explanation, the above poem suggests what we might collectively feel like when an advanced intelligence physically visits our mostly self focused little ā€œpale blue dotā€ of a planet. They could be from… Continue reading Why on Earth


Have you ever gazed into a clear atmosphere nighttime star filled sky? Itā€™s quite a humbling experience. Not unlike the self awareness that life breathes into us. You may have to study the naked-eye depth of the heavens for just a bit to gain its full affect.  So many stars. So far away. Unreachable by… Continue reading OuterSpace


Memories are made up of what we donā€™t forget! Thatā€™s a basic simple truth. And if your past the age of twelve you understand what I mean.  Love begets loveā€¦ another basic simple truth. The best thing about growing up is the fond memories. The worse thing is the arthritis. One of my favorite memories… Continue reading Memories


work, sing and play like the songbird greets the sun with thanks for a new day and grace from an old one Iā€™ve mentioned that I have a knack for the obvious. So this post is not going to surprise you. Of all the creatures Iā€™ve personally encountered, birds are the most spiritually inspiring. First… Continue reading Birds


Jesus, in speaking about children, told us that the kingdom of heaven is meant for ā€œsuch as theseā€ā€¦ Maybe because kids are too young to keep themselves out of Heaven. I take it to mean we donā€™t need to worry about their soul. God has them covered. <<<<<<>>>>>> When I was a child I thought… Continue reading Perfect


Like an electronic circuit board, MUSTARD SEED is full of connections. Lots of links from this to that then back to the other thing. Itā€™s enough to make you dizzy and a qualify as a global health hazard. You may not see how anyone can tolerate so much connectivity for any length of time. But… Continue reading Connections


What do we know?  For one, we know that people love to know things. People love knowing things so much that sometimes they will PRETEND to know something that they virtually know nothing about. Unfortunately, pretending to know something that we know nothing about leads to even more people unknowingly not knowing what they think… Continue reading Knowing


I donā€™t watch the news much, but I watched a popular news channel show yesterday evening. There were some noticeably disturbing messages.  Paraphrasingā€¦ ā€We are on the verge of global nuclear war. Our USA government is lying to us. Some people believe that cheating and lying is okay. Men are in the process of losing their… Continue reading Crisis

Culture Twists

BEHAVIOR I ā€“ Iā€™m not always ā€œhereā€ in the true sense of the word ā€œhereā€, but Iā€™m always some ā€œwhereā€ due to the restrictive nature of physical laws. However, at some point, I may be forever anywhere at anytime due to the nonrestrictive nature of spiritual laws. (Learned the spiritual part from my religion studies and the physical… Continue reading Culture Twists

Cosmic Twists

SPACESHIP I ā€“ We sail on a ship without sails courtesy of the Big Bang and are collectively perpetuated through space by cosmic forces beyond our controlā€¦ Thank God!ā€¦ I canā€™t even control my catā€¦ Can you imagine if Earth had a ā€œsteering wheelā€ where we would wind up! VANTAGE POINT I ā€“ If civilization had first developed in the southern hemisphere… Continue reading Cosmic Twists

Well Spaced

Sometimes I think I would make a good spacemanā€¦ I enjoy being alone as much as being with others because I have my Art brain. The Internet is well ā€˜spaceā€™ suited for ā€œaloneā€ remote audience commonology oriented work like Mustard Seed. Because the Internet is crowdless. Nobody physically goes there. The world wide web exists only within the electronic ether. … Continue reading Well Spaced


I learned a long time ago that water is what causes babies. It explains a lot, because thereā€™s lots of water most places on the planet. Ergo thereā€™s more babies and ā€œgrown upā€ babies than you can shake a stick at. I think shaking a stick wouldnā€™t hold up because either the stick would break… Continue reading Water


If you love your pets, you hate fleas. I sometimes wonder what the good purpose is for fleas. Mosquitoes fall into a similar perplexity. Why did God create fleas? Maybe it was to provide a livelihood for the good people that fight themā€¦ The chemist, the exterminator and the retail clerks that sell flea treatments.… Continue reading Fleas


The Bible tells me that I will make it to Heaven. I look forward to that! Thereā€™s a ton of things that I would miss from this world but there are a few things that I wouldnā€™t missā€¦ Mosquitoes for example. I wonā€™t miss mosquitoes. In fact, I expect Heaven to be void of mosquitoes.… Continue reading Mosquitoes


When I was very young, I wanted to be an artist. I loved drawing and painting. I did finally become a professional artist and eventually became interested in animation. I have lots of story ideas. This is one of them.  The opening scene is a sunny day at Rodinā€™s, ā€œThe Thinkerā€. The camera focus begins… Continue reading Beyond


Iā€™m not always ā€œhereā€ in the true sense of the word ā€œhereā€, but Iā€™m always some ā€œwhereā€ due to the restrictive nature of physical laws. However, at some point, I may be forever anywhere at anytime due to the nonrestrictive nature of spiritual laws. (Learned the spiritual part from my religion studies and the physical part from… Continue reading Here

Life Support

Rotate Rationally The End is just as real as the Beginning. SUNDAY AM ā€“ Itā€™s a good thing we canā€™t feel the Earth move. If the Earth  were to abruptly stop rotating tomorrow morning, we would all go flying into outer space at an approximate 1,000 MPHā€¦ (if we were to be standing near the equatorā€¦ closer to the poles… Continue reading Life Support