Many believe that we were created from star stuff. And that stars were born from the very hot and super compressed matter creation event science calls the Big Bang theory.
Many believe that the Big Bang was caused by God. And that everything that’s been created since the beginning, is God’s doing.
False pride is blind
Science doesn’t have all the answers, but neither does the faithful. However, we can all certainly share in the search for truth as a unifying, human race, common denominator.
But in order to share cooperatively, we have to be willing to be wrong. Every one of us.
I believe the willingness to be wrong is key to everyone’s spiritual and soulful development.
Paradigm shift
I often wonder where we’re actually headed. Hopefully, away from our chaotic ignorance into a positive paradigm shift because our current collective developmental state is representative of hell. As a human race, we’re headed in billions of different directions. And we hate and destroy. Love is not everyone’s goal. Contempt is common, especially in the political arena. It’s more us verses them and less WE.
I believe that we will continue to technically and spiritually grow… UP and OUT into space. And only in that order.
We must grow UP first.
We’re becoming less and less isolated from each other as our population grows and as technology continues to shrink the biological and sociocultural globe.
Truth sets us free
After the Big Bang, where everyone can thoughtfully agree, our scientific and faith based beliefs take on some isolated individual details. But science and faith will ultimately agree as Truth is uncovered. We need to embrace truth. All of us. Especially, when we discover we’re wrong.
Looking at our thinkings globally, we’re an explosion of thought about how we developed after the “Big Bang”. Everyone has their own personal idea, or ideas… or else we just don’t worry about controversial details regarding the origin and evolution of life.
But it’s important in breaching outer space to understand our beginnings in the realm of truth. We should collectively know how we came into being. Especially if it’s based on a “feeling” without conclusive evidence. We may never find CONCLUSIVE evidence. A feeling may be all we get. Maybe there’s unrealized purpose behind our feelings.
Spirit and Soul
Each of us have a unique sense of self (our soul), along with our very own set of emotions (our spirit). Those two senses, more than any others, make us who we are as individual human beings. Yet we mostly ignore them or take for granted what we can’t seem to easily physically account for. Many are simply in denial about what they feel.
Life is. I don’t think that’s arguable. We argue about a lot of things but I don’t see how anyone that has experienced breathing can say different. So, “life is”, is a fundamental truth we should all be able to agree on. Focus on breathing. Focus on the universe. Focus on your neighbor. Focus on life. Because life is.
The opposite of life is “death”, or so it seems from our lack of activity once death is met. We’re usually doing things when we’re “living”. Like breathing. Evidence of life after death is either accepted in faith or scrutinized thoroughly by existentialistic thinking… since “life is”, then “death isn’t”. We get to draw this conundrum’s conclusion each to our own thoughts.
Design or Chance
It’s nobody’s place to think for us. And I’m not telling anyone how to think. I’m asking everyone to consider that we could all be wrong. And our neighbor could be right. And truth is what matters.
I believe in a Devine Designer. My spirit and soul senses are able to communicate with Him. Everyone has built-in knowledge of a higher being than ourselves. God’s “fingerprint” is inside us. I could be wrong… but it feels right.
God could be smaller than anything anyone can possibly see, bigger than the universe, or both. We just don’t know. (see Beyond) All we know is that we can talk with Him, and He talks back in our thoughts. God also “talks” to us with the universe including critters such as a meandering ant. It feels right… but I could be wrong.
I believe God is the uncaused Cause of the universe. Just a wee great big bit of parsecs beyond our collective understanding. I feel I’m not wrong about that, and I’m right about God’s Love.
A lot of the world is disconnected from God. Our culture is changing. Technology has allowed us to grow in numbers. Now it’s separating us because we haven’t fully adjusted yet. But I’m confident that God will prevail.
We’re always in “church”. Even when we’re alone and during every meeting with another human, whether online or in person. I think that’s what Jesus meant when he said that in a gathering of two or three, he would be there too. We should try to act and think… “Church is always in session and what would Jesus do and say.” I’m not saying that we should or even CAN be perfect, God simply wants us to love at our best.
“Online” communication is a challenge because it’s not as easy to read someone without being physically next to them. But we’re not “physically” next to God in a direct sense. We “feel” God’s presence. We’re next to God in soul (self) and spirit (emotion).
Love our neighbor
I believe that you and I have the propensity to enter God’s secure eternal pain-free domain… when we love while “life is” here on earth.
LOVE your neighbor. Because life is… a feeling.
How do you feel?
Dust dedicated to Chris and neufer my brainy Asterisk friends
(Dust is the end of Evolution, Testaments is next)
Portal/Evolution page 27
Previous Off Grid / Next Web Friends
Great thought. I agree with you.
Life is because He is.
Thank you… and Him. ❤️
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