About ❤️

My Website

Working on 18 years of tweaking


MUSTARD SEED is free browsing with no obligations or requirements other than Internet access. I believe most public libraries in the USA provide free access to the web. Any browser search on eds-art.net should locate my website. This particular World Wide Web “place” is my hobby. It’s a smattering of iOS emojis along with my honest to goodness old fashioned art, words, and perhaps someday recorded music that all act as a calming island and mental balm for me. A relaxing cyber “space” with lots of “calm” trees and a revelatory message meant to be shared with everyone old enough to learn about some important life and death conundrums. Which is probably around twelve or fourteen years old. Which may have been Jesus’s age when he first sought his real Father. 😇 

We’re all God’s children. Patience is probably God’s simplest attribute. Lovingly personable is His most prominent. How do you, or would you, feel about your own children?

MUSTARD SEED is a dynamic art project built from the inside out. Most often from an end or middle of a topic to a beginning. The content is typically very disordered to start. Resolution develops over a sometimes long period of time… but more acutely since December 2024. The inspiration for building a website came from my intense 2003-2005 Christian Bible study as I was searching for mental healing. I found help and I’m sharing what I learned along with what I’m learning. I expect to be finished someday, but I probably won’t be breathing.

I’m building this website for my family and me. I’m also interested in reaching others via the internet. MUSTARD SEED is a major paradigm shift in current Christian philosophy and a servant’s tribute to our one God. I’m blessed to have a part in it. It’s an ongoing ‘work in progress’. It may well wind up simply as an offline family heirloom… daddy pop pop’s old art asylum. My refuge in the storm.

This website has been hosted by IONOS (1&1) since its launch on September 28, 2007. The designing effort entered a major paradigm shift when I discovered how to create text hyperlinks in early 2020 after I first retired. The web address has always been https://eds-art.net and will probably not be changing…😜

July 2022, Switched to WordPress as my web publishing tool in order to take advantage of its blog features.

November 18, 2023 – Changed the website name from Ed’s Art Net to Ed’s ArtSite and my tagline from “Casting Art to the Net” to “Casting to the Net”.

May 17, 2024 – Changed the website name from Ed’s ArtSite to Ed’s Website.

May 31, 2024 – Official last day of employer’s employment. 🌴

November 3, 2024 – Closed visitor Comments.

December 3, 2024 – Added MUSTARD SEED as the title. Before, it had no title… then in a flash of light… I heard a thought, it was a God wink grinning at me. 😶‍🌫️

December 10, 2024 – Changed the Ed’s Website name to MUSTARD SEED. Name and title are now the same.

January 25, 2025 – Changed the website tagline from “Casting to the Net” to “Casting Light on the Net”… another God wink 😉

This website isn’t without IONOS cyber attack safeguards but it isn’t the end of the world if MUSTARD SEED goes offline. 😊

I’ve been told that MUSTARD SEED gives folks pause to think. Maybe that’s what this website is… a pause to think. 🤔


Working on 74 years of breathing


My last career job was designing internet operating circuit boards along with a distinguished team of engineers, managers and support personnel. Prior to that I was an electronics technician evolving into circuit board design in the defense industry working with tactical missile systems. My first career job was a professional artist. During my younger years I worked many odd jobs beginning at age nine with a newspaper delivery route.

My good friend Travis once asked if I thought God’s purpose for me was to be a teacher. I loved the question. Travis knows that I have some strong opinions. He loves me anyway! 😎

More boring stuff about me

I identify simply as a retired from working for a living family man. I like calling myself a commonologist. I like it because it reflects my demeanor. “Common…” because I’m no better or worse than anyone I have ever met or heard of except One. And I’m an “…ologist” because I’m fundamentally curious with a gift for the obvious. A “commonologist”. I like to believe I share those traits with a lot of people.

I think of MUSTARD SEED as an inspired by “Elihu” current day rendition of God’s messaging because we humans naturally tend to emotionally embellish what we think we know… just like Job and his friends.

Elihu appears out of nowhere and begins to straighten out Job and his buddies by preparing them for God’s Words. I believe that Elihu was an inspired commonologist. 🥰

I hope my website makes a sunny side difference for you like it does for me because we all make a different difference.

Favorite book – Job (probably the oldest book in the Bible)

About dedicated to inquiring minds

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🟠 Foreword 🟤 Afterword 🟣
🔴 Art 🟢 Words 🔵 About ⚫️