About ❤️

Ed’s Website carries an uplifting message. It’s been hosted by IONOS (1&1) since September 28, 2007. It was a small questionably perpetuating novice web-publishing mess at first, but now it’s grown into a much bigger more positively assured mess.

This web-publishing hobby developed a “paradigm shift” after I retired at the beginning of 2020. More free time equals more mess. Freedom’s elation and the Covid-19 pandemic “sheltering in place” created a lot of “free” time and it was a major website publishing shift when I discovered how to create text hyperlinks.

In July 2022, I switched to WordPress as my web publishing tool in order to take advantage of its blog features.

On November 18, 2023, I changed the website name from Ed’s Art Net to Ed’s ArtSite and my tagline to “Casting to the Net”. The web address remained https://eds-art.net

On February 29, 2024, I completed my site message summary, but my website remains a work in progress.

On May 17, 2024, I changed the website name from Ed’s ArtSite to Ed’s Website. The web address remains https://eds-art.net

No end in “site”… from editing and adding except for the technical limitations of webpages. “Rides” is close to the size limit.


I’m a wacky doodle mutt.

My name is Ed, short for Edward. My parents fought over what to name me. My dad wanted me to have his dad’s name. My mother wanted to name me after a popular singer in her day, Richard Edward Arnold (Eddy Arnold). They compromised with Edward and captured my grandfather’s initials, EMC.

I’m ripe with old age. As a baby boomer, I’m somewhere middle of the boom. I grew up on black and white TV and the woods behind my house. Then came teendom’s dementia… After I grew out of teenness, my wife and I raised a family.

Katie is my youngest. Ashley is my oldest. Susan is my wife and best friend. ❤️

My last career job was designing internet operating circuit boards along with a distinguished team of engineers, managers and support personnel. Prior to that I was an electronics technician evolving into circuit board design in the defense industry working with tactical missile systems. My first career job was a professional artist. During my younger years I worked many odd jobs beginning at age nine with a newspaper delivery route.

Sometimes I make up words. It’s a free country. At least it was in my youth. So I learned to think freely from the 1950’s and 1960’s culture that I was growing up in.

I like to call myself a commonologist. I like it because it reflects my demeanor. “Common…” because I’m no better or worse than anyone I have ever met or heard of except One. And I’m an “…ologist” because I’m a fundamentally curious creature with a whimsical knack for the obvious. A “commonologist” – I like to believe that I share those traits with a lot of people.

I identify simply as a retired working family man. I’ve worked many odd jobs and more than one profession.

My good friend Travis once asked if I thought God’s purpose for me was to be a teacher. I loved the question. Travis knows that I have some strong opinions. He loves me anyway! 😎

At my core, I’m an artist… not a teacher. I simply want us to feel good and less bad… think more good and less bad thoughts. ❤️

I hope Ed’s Website makes a sunny side difference for everyone because everyone makes a different difference.

Ed’s Website 🌴
Casting to the Net

Email ed@eds-art.net
favorite book, Job

About my family

About my favorite youngest daughter

About my favorite oldest daughter

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