God Wink

Little Cloud

I love this little cloud pareidolia. While there are literally hundreds of thousands of motorcycles similar to mine out there I choose to see a caricature of Yona in the cloud. Front fairing and all, with little trailing puffs of cartoon engine smoke!

10:36 AM, June 27, 2019 – Newland, North Carolina – I was riding alone down the Blue Ridge Parkway on my way back home. I was feeling a lot of love for life and my spirit was flying untethered through the BRP’s beautiful mountain scenery. I spotted this lone little cloud out of the corner of my eye and was compelled to pull over for a better look. The lone cloud structure seemed to speak of how much God loves me. How beautiful God’s creation is and that I was a part of this special moment with my creator. It’s a feeling. An emotional (spiritual) link from my soul (self-awareness) to God’s Spirit. It’s as real as anything. 

The wind was moving the little cloud at a slow steady pace. I was fortunate to capture it with my phone camera between the trees.

This moment with God is very special to me so I wanted to try and share with you, the joy that God’s little cloud and the Appalachian mountain scenery still brings to me. He is constantly telling us that He loves us. see 1 John 4:16

When we’re loving Him, it’s easy to see and feel that powerful and constant love. 

I hope you’re blessed with many God winks. There’s nothing more comforting and calming than God’s intimate loving Grace.

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By Ed Caldwell

I’m retired. Except for some unavoidable honey-dos, I pretty much goof off for a living now. My website is spirit rewarding fun for me and I hope, uplifting and enlightening fun for you.