Jesus, in speaking about children, told us that the kingdom of heaven is meant for “such as these”… Maybe because kids are too young to keep themselves out of Heaven. I take it to mean we don’t need to worry about their soul. God has them covered.
When I was a child I thought I was perfect. But eventually, I learned to think like an adult. I discovered that achieving perfection is impossible.
Now I’m old and I am beginning to think like a child again. Sure I know I can’t DO anything “perfect”, but I’m realizing that God made ME perfect… even with a disordered brain, a bad set of teeth, and the ability to only hit one home run and it was at a Little League practice. It wasn’t even a practice game. It sailed over the Mableton Lions Club right center fence. I can still see it sailing just as it disappeared into the pine trees.
Perfection is in all of God’s creation. I feel it. I sense it. I know it.
I could die right now and it would be a perfect ending. I’ve had my perfect beginning.
I thought for a long time that life isn’t perfect… but it is. Life’s a lesson in humility. I’ve learned my lesson. Now I’m “perfect” again.
But I will continue to make mistakes until I die.
Portal/Whimsical page 45
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