Welcome 📡

A Dot on the Web

A site for more eyes
wandering in wonder
pondering the yonder

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to reach a Spot

A Theory of Mind

Like our fellow planetary inhabitants, humans share common traits, each with a unique self-awareness. Our sharing of human traits leads us into social interactions with compassionate support roles or else contempt for others. Contempt is a negative human emotion stemming from hate. Compassion is more common among God’s creatures. Compassionate support stems from love.

God helps us love when we seek help and are able to listen. He messages us through our senses. Sometimes, we’re messaged through others. Like a critter, a tree, a sunrise, a special needs child, or even a friend.

God showed us how to love as Jesus.
God’s always showing us that He loves us.
We’re not always listening.

Common Senses

I searched the internet for a list of human senses and got a result of seven. (1) Sight (2) Sound (3) Smell (4) Taste (5) Touch (6) Balance (7) Self-movement – which discounts two… (8) Spirit and (9) Soul

We each experience spirit (Emotions) and soul (Self-awareness). We process these two senses in our brain same as the other seven.

Occasionally, we’re faced with challenges designed to help us grow a more stable, stronger sense of self and spirit. This website is one such challenge… for you AND me.

Emotions and self are demonstrated in speaking, writing, and fashioning from what we feel and think.

our senses teach us
our actions reveal us
works are us


art is something our nine senses reveal
writing is something our heart teaches us
music is something of and from both

art, words, and music awaken the senses
composing mood reflections from life’s reasoned fences
encoded skill and mind is the foundry

beyond the grip of night’s emotional boundary
works evolve as inspired emotion is resolved
only completed when an audience is involved

Rotate CELL PHONE horizontally to enlarge small poem text. Click here for exposition.


Latest Additions:
July 19, 2024 – Trumpster
May 19, 2024 – Nested
April 30, 2024 – Dust

My Favorite Art:
Log Cabin Church
Earth and Ed
Arial Mermaid

My Favorite Words:
Dear Audience
The Road


see Privacy Policy
policy updated for clarity

“I’m all ears”

believe what you feel
express what you think
and always be

Thank you!

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