
God’s Little Cloud

God wants a personal relationship with each one of us. 

Private and personal because we each have a unique mind and spirit.

But we also have the potential to be of the same heart.

He created each one of us with a purpose. We learn what that purpose is, usually over some time period. And that purpose, is never designed to be more than we can handle.

If we don’t relate to God or only relate to God while with others and not also in private, we miss out on intimacy with our creator, and we can miss our calling.

Sharing with a group is where iron sharpens iron. But private spiritual meetings is where our relationship with God gets polished. We are polished through praying, the Natural World and God’s Words in Scripture.

Sharing with a group can strengthen our faith. Christ’s words in Scripture help us know what to expect from God and what He expects from us. And Nature helps us to see and feel God’s presence.

God has a way of fixing things at just the right time. Then He’s apparent and lovingly anchored in a life. Our spirit and self have always been linked with our creator. Fortunately for us, we somehow learn to realize His extraordinary and loving Spirit.

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By Ed Caldwell

I was tired, now I’m REtired… Except for some unavoidable honey-dos, I pretty much goof off for a living now. I’m cruising through what’s left of my life like the songbird that greets the morning sun… With thanks for a new day, and grace from an old one. ❤️

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