
Morning Blend

God meant for us to be observant. He loves attention. The above image features our natural starship nestled in its familiar orbit. Which, according to Wiki, is leading our solar system at a speed of close to 500,000 miles per hour around the Milky Way center. Which is heading at roughly 300,000 mph towards merging with neighboring Andromeda in about 4.3 billion years.

As catastrophic as that sounds, there’s likely to be very minimal effect on our solar system from the galactic merger due to the vast distances between stars.

I don’t know about you but I can’t keep up with God. I’m humbled by everything. I’m slow and I get lost in space easily. I can’t hold a candle, for example, to a hummingbird. Those little critters are smart. They migrate hundreds of miles between flowers. Five hundred or so of which can be over the Gulf of Mexico! No landmarks, yet they don’t get lost. They navigate with only their natural sense. God only knows what that is.

Me, I need a map. And I still get lost.

The point I’m making here is that many of God’s creatures possess natural abilities far beyond and above what we meager humans possess. We just outnumber most of the non-microbial versions of them. And we have the inherent ability to try and emulate their God given talents. And due to our vast numbers, some of us have time to study such things as outer space galaxies and their behavior.

That’s mostly how we learn to build things. By observing our natural surroundings.

I can imagine Org, sitting on a primitive hillside waiting for supper to come grazing by and noticing a rolling rock off in the distance. The rolling of the rock sets off a spark in Org’s human brain. He sees a wheel. Setting the ”wheels” of human technology in motion. Next thing you know, Org’s descendants, Orville and Wilbur are emulating actual birds.

Then, the next thing you know, Lockheed almost figures out how to make a hovering jet flying machine and nicknames it ”Hummingbird”.

Maybe that was a bit presumptuous.

We did finally get the “bugs” out of a hovering jet aircraft with the British built ”Harrier”.

Our flight technology is quite impressive, and drones come close, but we still can’t hold a candle to a natural hummingbird’s quickness, maneuverability, and self-healingness.

Still, in the progression of things, maybe a distant star trekking ship is next.

God only knows.

Starship dedicated to Emmie and Jake who light up clouds and cardboard boxes

Portal/Discovery page 7
Previous Heaven / Next God

By Ed Caldwell

I’m retired. Except for some unavoidable honey-dos, I pretty much goof off for a living now. My website is spirit rewarding fun for me and I hope, uplifting and enlightening fun for you.