Words ✍️

🌴 Inspired words

…are that which reach the soul and engulf the spirit as a beautiful thought.

Writing is something our heart teaches

Home…where the mind can rest
and the spirit can soar!

My thoughts move with the proverbial wind. (Mattered and scattered comes to mind.) When I was young, words were boring. I would “read” books by studying the illustrations. I had to grow a lot before appreciating the art of words. Words can stitch people spiritually together that are socially and geographically parsecs apart. Words can give us hope. Words can be a beautiful feeling. Words can inspire.

Our art stems from what God gives us to do in love
Our hate stems from Satan
…when we let it

the devil Satan

…was created to reach us
and decided to test us
…speaks to our emotions
and is after our soul

Casting Light on the Shadow

In a nutshell, Satan’s shadow has been cast over us ever since he was cast out of Heaven. With the Bible, we inadvertently added Satan’s influence to God’s Words. We overstated God’s one simple rule by adding our two cents to God’s very gracious gift.

We humans naturally tend to emotionally embellish what we think we know. Just like Job… his friends, Jesus’s disciples, you, me, and everyone… We need someone to straighten us out. I can hear God now, “Don’t make me have to come down there… again!”

We can be hell bent… Jesus Christ does the straightening.

May hate dissolve and love shine brightly

Jesus the Christ

…was born to reach us
and grown to teach us
…died in our place
and lives in our heart

God is amazingly interactive

pray for help against hate
and receive
LOVE in its place

Words Catalog:

Casting Light on the Net

✳️ Note: Post published dates have been altered to establish a book-like order. Comments are actual dates. Comments were closed November 2024 due to an over abundance of spam and a longtime lack of legitimate comments.

Rotate CELL PHONE horizontally for better Catalog page layout

Synopsis  – Spiritual Overview

Portal – (a book of writings)

Prelude – Introduction

Discovery – Chapter 1
1. Life – brief outline of a God search
2. God Package – an evolutionary image of God
3. Feeling – a spiritual view
4. Unique – human individualism
5. The Road – spiritual travel
6. Heaven – brief look at God’s secure domain
7. StarShip – brief look at our sun and where it’s leading
8. God – brief look at the Creator
9. Jesus – the Son of Man
10. Matter of Color – the common denominator of race

Healing – Chapter 2
11. Inside❤️‍🩹Out – testament to healing
12. Simply Put – message in a bottle
13. Mental Health – my layman’s opinion
14. Satan – is a solvable conundrum
15. Overcoming – is about being kind
16. Help – what many need but don’t ask
17. Works in Progress – spiritual growth

Emanuel – Chapter 3
18. Dear Audience – introduction
19. God Speak – is about listening
20. Moonstruck – is about hope
21. Love ❤️ – an “Elihu” message
22. Friends – is about church

Evolution – Chapter 4
23. Minds – making sense out of senses
24. Blueprint 💙 – in the Lord’s Prayer
25. Nested – a challenge
26. Off Grid – about being different
27. Dust – a challenge

Testament – Chapter 5
28. Web Friends – a dedication
29. Sean of the South – is about a favorite writer
30. Angel – a testament to more than us
31. Growing Up – a snapshot
32. Bipolar – is geared toward awareness
33. Suicide – what I know about it
34. AllSpark – brief look at the inner me
35. Audience – brief spiritual observance
36. Death – a look at the afterlife
37. The Twig – a look at Creation
38. Life Choice – is about the sanctity of life
39. The Plow – a brief look at purpose
40. Guns – a brief look at criminals and protectors
41. Why on Earth – extraterrestrial conjecture
42. OuterSpace – the wonder of “out there”
43. Memories – how I met Susan

Whimsical – Chapter 6
44. Birds – relaxing on my front porch
45. Perfect – playful look at growing up
46. Connections – whimsical look at linking
47. Knowing – whimsical view of humans
48. Crisis – a look at media news casting
49. Culture Twists – whimsical look at cultural thingys
50. Cosmic Twists – whimsical look at cosmic thingys
51. Well Spaced – fun look at me and the internet
52. Water – humorous look at the seriousness of populating
53. Fleas – is funnyish
54. Mosquitoes – is funnyish
55. Beyond – storyboard for a short mixed media film
56. Here – another brief look at the inner me
57. Life Support – deep dive into waking up

Rides – (a book of Yona)

1. Wind Therapy – motorcycle adventures
2. Wild Hawgs – riders group
3. God Wink – pareidolia
4. Riding with Angels – guarded soul
5. Destinations – road trips
6. Encounters – critter counters
7. Yona – my ride

Edward M. Caldwell
Casting Light on the Net

“What light thru yon window breaks”

Words dedicated to Virginia and Marlin… parents of a wonder wandering, yonder ponderous child

Quick Links
🟠 Foreword 🟤 Afterword 🟣
🔴 Art 🟢 Words 🔵 About ⚫️


Categorized as Catalog

By Ed Caldwell

I’m retired. Except for some unavoidable honey-dos, I pretty much goof off for a living now. My website is spirit rewarding fun for me and I hope, uplifting and enlightening fun for you.