Well Spaced

-The Old Ball and Chain-
Earth image credit: NASA
Space Traveler image credit: me

Sometimes I think I would make a good spaceman… I enjoy being alone as much as being with others because I have my Art brain.

The Internet is well ‘space’ suited for “alone” remote audience commonology oriented work like Ed’s Website. Because the Internet is crowdless. Nobody physically goes there. The world wide web exists only within the electronic ether

Thusly, the Internet is the closest thing to a physical medium that provides a fun, spiritual, and people focused, easy peasy to edit metaphysical “canvas” for me to metaphysically “paint” and browsers like you to metaphysically “visit”.

I could have a lot of metaphysical visitors, but nobody physically comes here! You leave a “metaphysical footprint” when you visit and a “metaphysical fingerprint” when you comment but the rest of you stays put.

However, in spite of ever increasing network speeds, a rapid influx of simultaneous browsing visitors could form a crowded network packet bandwidth bottleneck… An electronic internet traffic jam.

You’ll know the possibility of an Internet traffic jam by a delay in your browser’s response time.

If Yogi Berra was still around, he might say, “Nobody goes there. It’s too crowded.” And both statements could be true.

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Categorized as Whimsical

By Ed Caldwell

I’m retired. Except for some unavoidable honey-dos, I pretty much goof off for a living now. My website is spirit rewarding fun for me and I hope, uplifting and enlightening fun for you.

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