
The Net

Like an electronic circuit board, Ed’s Website is full of connections.

Lots of links from this to that then back to the other thing. It’s enough to make you dizzy and a qualify as a global health hazard.

You may not see how anyone can tolerate so much connectivity for any length of time. But I’ll give you a hint… it helps to be a wee bit wacky doodle in your noodle.

I’m not suggesting that you explore getting your head into wacky doodleness, but it may be the only way to understand a disordered artist.

I must warn you that one size does not fit all. Sure artists can be similar. But you can bet that every one is a unique individual. Just like you are. Unless you’re an outer space alien… then it’s up in the air and out in space.

We don’t seem to know much about outer space aliens.

This doesn’t bode well for figuring some of us artists out.

Ed’s Website – Portal/Whimsical page 46
Previous Perfect / Next Knowing

By Ed Caldwell

I’m retired. Except for some unavoidable honey-dos, I pretty much goof off for a living now. My website is spirit rewarding fun for me and I hope, uplifting and enlightening fun for you.