God Package

Image credit: Wikipedia

I was introduced to Christianity at an early age. I was a typical wacky kid with a wild imagination.

While I was growing up, I maintained God’s image from the seed in my little child’s brain as a beautiful, older than anybody, white haired, white robed, bearded, distant, brightly glowing super Man with a tall staff which served as a metaphysical humanary disciplinary tool.

I had a tendency to put God in a “box” that was only opened on Sunday. This thinking led to an incredible amount of mistakes during the rest of the week. 

My thinking changed after I had two major mental breakdowns. I began to intently study the Bible hoping for intimate communication with the “Man upstairs”. I needed mental and spiritual help. I was broken. 

During my studies, the “old Man in a box” image began registering as ridiculous and very shortsighted.

My Bible study lead me into building this website, wherein I could easily share my findings with others. “Others”, is an equally important part of my relationship with the “Man upstairs”, along with my internalized “self” image. 

My self image thrives on loving God and others. That’s what I learned in my spiritual and mental quest for help. 

I learned that God is not in a “box”… God is EVERYWHERE and anywhere in time and all at the same time. He works without needing sleep. I don’t like using a pronoun because He’s not human… with one major purposeful Exception. 

To see God, I must be able to see infinitely more than the sum of everything in my universe. 

I get glimpses of God through witnessing a hummingbird, a sunrise, or any of creation’s wonders.

My God “package” is a loving feeling, and is always readily available for me to listen to, whenever I’m able.

I’m the one dwelling in a “box”…

The dream I have for my self, is the healing promised after this life is over. When I get to see Someone infinitely greater than this universe.

God Package dedicated to KT who questioned me about God at age fourteen and helped set a course for answers.

Portal/Discovery page 2
Previous Life / Next Feeling

By Ed Caldwell

I’m retired. Except for some unavoidable honey-dos, I pretty much goof off for a living now. My website is spirit rewarding fun for me and I hope, uplifting and enlightening fun for you.