
Suicide is the mental equivalent of a terminal physical disease. It’s not a willful act to “commit” suicide. “Commit suicide” is a misnomer because it indicates that the victim was in control. 

At that emotionally extreme point, the victim is not in control. The illness is in control. Suicide is the triumph of a disease just like a death from cancer. Only suicide symptoms can be hidden making it impossible to physically diagnose and track.

The suicidal victim is overwhelmed with terrible and excruciating mental pain and sees no other apparent means of relief. Suicide is not a rational act. 

If someone is able to tell you that they are having suicidal thoughts, they’re likely able to receive help. Persons that are at the most risk, are those who keep their mental pain to themselves.

Victims of suicide include all the people surrounding someone with the disease. The survivors “guilt” believes that they could have done something to prevent it or even that they contributed in some way. But suicide is the internalized victory of a deadly illness. 

The surrounding loving ones fall prey to their own mental illness in a state of depression and anxiety. This depression can last a lifetime because the grieving victim feels emptied and frustrated.

Probably the best medicine is talking. Losing a loved one to suicide is devastating. The suicide victim’s loving ones need help. There’s comfort in sharing with others. There’s comfort and hope in supportive human contact.

Dial 911 emergency services if you’re planning suicide.

Make calling 911 your first step.

Suicide dedicated to Joe

Portal/Testament page 33
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By Ed Caldwell

I’m retired. Except for some unavoidable honey-dos, I pretty much goof off for a living now. My website is spirit rewarding fun for me and I hope, uplifting and enlightening fun for you.


    1. Thank you Anthony! My name is Ed. Nice to meet you. I’m not affiliated with Sean except for being a fan. ❤️

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