The old ball and chain!
Rotate Rationally
The End is just as real as the Beginning.

SUNDAY AM – It’s a good thing we can’t feel the Earth move. If the Earth were to abruptly stop rotating tomorrow morning, we would all go flying into outer space at an approximate 1,000 MPH… (if we were to be standing near the equator… closer to the poles would be similarly devastating but a little less dramatic.) It would be a kind of unique way to start the day… or END the day I should say!
MONDAY AM – And so another work week day begins… in darkness… until the eyelids raise as the sun rises and we are risen to demon’s dark demise
TUESDAY AM – Night has lowered its shadowy veil allowing the un-beckoned light to permeate the pores of the sleeping soul
WEDNESDAY AM – Once again morning’s light wins out over night time’s notorious battle with the surreal subconscious
THURSDAY AM – Night loosens its ghostly grip as the day begins to engage our endeavor toward existentially enlightened senses
FRIDAY AM – At last, darkness is absorbed by light’s gradual and persistent advance until sleep is conquered by ephemeral reality
SATURDAY AM – Blissful sleep inevitably escapes our stubborn grasp and we join the procession in which all enlightened living souls participate…

In reference to the Reasons to Believe book Improbable Planet by Hugh Ross, our current 24 hour rotational period is a slowed down rate from Earth’s earlier history… Turns out (Ha! A cosmic science pun) this 24 hours is an optimal rate for advanced life’s functional activities… So we are in a kind of wonderful solar and earthly life supportive time domain apex!