
Blue Ridge Parkway, early morning view.
Darkness seeps
only ’till light casts it back to the deep

I thought I would write about God. I’m always writing about myself, so it’s high time I wrote about someone else. But I have to write about God from my own perspective. So I reckon I can’t get away from that. 

I have never seen God unless you count what I can see of the universe. My universe is limited to my surroundings and my brain.

God’s presence is a feeling. Like when I look at a sunrise or sunset framed by a few clouds. It feels like God is speaking to me saying something like…

“Look and enjoy what I’ve provided for everyone! This is a time for reflection so stop and listen… For my sunrise, you can be thankful for a new day about to be explored. And for my sunset, you can be thankful for the earth and heavens that are about to open up for everyone when I speak.”

God says, “I’m your guiding Hand.” But I don’t physically hear those words, I feel them in my heart and process them in my disordered but medicinally and scientifically mostly corrected artist’s brain.

God simply put is everything. Not only is He the Creator, but He’s the artist, scientist, farmer, astrophysicist, engineer, doctor, nurse, garbage collector, bookkeeper, preacher, teacher… you name it and God is it… anything but evil. But God allows evil to exist. In fact, He created free will angels that developed evil. But He also created angels that developed good. It’s evidenced that God designed and balanced the universe from beginning to end even before the universe existed. Evil exists as a “free will” filter. Many humans have a propensity to do evil. And evil is kept out of God’s secure domain (Heaven). Evil tendency is Satan’s domain. It exists on the Earth.

I cannot strictly say that God is only a spiritual feeling and not a physical presence. By saying God doesn’t have a physical presence unfairly discounts the wonders of the cosmos. Think about that next time you feel appreciative for a beautiful sunset or sunrise, an animal, a flower or anything else He’s created.

If you don’t feel humbled by Creation, you should.

We humans don’t “create” in the strictest sense, we merely design from the resources God has provided.

You might try researching a twig, or a sunrise or anything else God’s made.

I have a humble feeling that God approves this message. But I am just a simple minded person with strictly limited sight distance human attributes. So you should take my words with a grain of salt and sort through research, into your own personal “feeling”.

Feeling dedicated to Katie and Dustin
Hope, Faith and Love

Portal/Discovery page 3
Previous God Package / Next Unique

By Ed Caldwell

I’m retired. Except for some unavoidable honey-dos, I pretty much goof off for a living now. My website is spirit rewarding fun for me and I hope, uplifting and enlightening fun for you.


  1. I lost my brother some time ago. We were always close, and we always had each other’s back. Years after his death I started writing stories about us growing up in the Arkansas Delta. I would e-mail them to a friend do go over because she was a lot more better in English. I put them together and gave them to my mom for her birthday and of course she loved them. Over time I have written others and she would put them in the folder. A few months ago, my nephew (brothers’ son) was looking for a pen in moms’ desk when he came across the folder. Now the family has them which is good and bad. If I don’t send one for a few months, they ask if I haven’t emailed a copy. My mom is 94 and doesn’t have a computer. She lives in the country in the house that I was moved into when I was six months old near a town that has less than 1000 people but that is another story for another time. Seans blog does gives my mind another jump start to start writing a little.

    1. Hi Paul, I don’t think of myself as a “writer”, but enjoy writing sometimes too. I’m sorry about your brother, but I’m glad you have some good memories to share with your family. Sean helps me quite a bit. I learn from and enjoy his work also.

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