Maybe you want the world to be a better place. You could write down your thoughts for what you think would make a difference. Even if you help just one person with your efforts, you will have made positive progress. Especially if that one person is yourself.
Jesus Christ spoke in parables. He told us to remove the plank from our own eye before inspecting the splinter in our neighbor’s eye. Jesus said a lot of things. He also said the least of us will be first in Heaven. As a rule, He kept repeating the golden rule.
God showed us how to love as Jesus.
God’s always showing us that He loves us.
We’re just not always listening.
Common Senses
I searched the internet for a list of human senses and got a result of seven. (1) Sight (2) Sound (3) Smell (4) Taste (5) Touch (6) Balance and (7) Self-movement which discounts two…
(8) Spirit and (9) Soul
We each experience Spirit (emotions) and Soul (self-awareness). We process these two senses in our brain same as the other seven.
Emotions (Spirit) and Self (Soul) are demonstrated in communicating and fashioning from what we feel and think.
our senses teach us
our actions reveal us
our works are us
God loves when we seek help and are able to listen.
He messages us in many ways with our senses through others, critters, trees, clouds, a sunrise, a child… even a thought and a prayer.
God’s will is discovered in the art of listening with compassion.
God Spirit is always with us…
He’s built in… Love is built in.
When we realize it… we share it. ❤️
It’s compelling to imagine that we could be one planet someday simply by loving in mental wellness. ❤️
I wonder how many lifetimes it will take.
God gave us two… ours and His. 💙
A Theory of Mind
Like our fellow planetary inhabitants, humans share common traits, each with a unique self-awareness. Our sharing of human traits leads us into social interactions with compassionate support roles or else contempt for others. Compassion is more common among God’s creatures. Support stems from love.
Next see Blueprint 💙