
M31: The Andromeda Galaxy, Image credit NASA, Copyright Robert Gendler
Posted with permission from the author

I’m not always “here” in the true sense of the word “here”, but I’m always some “where” due to the restrictive nature of physical laws. However, at some point, I may be forever anywhere at anytime due to the nonrestrictive nature of spiritual laws. (Learned the spiritual part from my religion studies and the physical part from my wife’s periodic calling “Ed… Ed!… Ed!!… Stop thinking, you’re scaring the children!”)

My wife says that I live in my own world. A planet far away. Wives know things. I happen to be married to a very smart woman. She is a gift from God. But not without challenges. I think God decided a long time ago that He was going to take care of me… in spite of myself. You’ll get my drift if you keep reading.

Susan, that’s my wife, and that’s her name in Ed’s World too. She feeds me and tries her best to help me organize my disordered personal planet. That’s not easy. My planet is far away and hard to reach. It’s actually well beyond the Oort, just this side of the galaxy’s edge. You’ll get my drift if you keep on reading.

Susan constantly beckons me back to Earth. She doesn’t want me to get stuck on a planet so far away from other people. You see, except for spirits, I’m the only inhabitant of Ed’s World. It’s my home away from home. Ed’s world is where I do a lot of sorting. I’m always organizing my thoughts into logical patterns. Writing helps with this. Putting my thoughts into written words helps me focus. You’ll understand if you keep reading.

Thinking takes up a lot of my time on Ed’s World. Thinking perpetually dominates my planet. It’s about all that I do there. But I also write. But writing is just an extension of thinking.

I also communicate with God. He is my unimaginably imaginable Friend. God understands me. He gets my jokes. He’s always feeding me too. He talks to me. He has a supernatural and dry sense of humor. God helps guide my thoughts. Just keep reading…

Before I get lost again, I want you to know that I love God. I love Susan. I love my family and friends. In fact, I love you. You are taking your own personal time to read my writing. For which I am grateful. No one should be left alone for very long. We humans are social creatures. We need each other. If you read on, that will become clearer. 

Ed’s World is my sanctuary. There’s no one there that has evil tendencies. Evil is not allowed. Ed’s World is just one step from Heaven. No wonder I visit here a lot. Yes, I’m writing to you from Ed’s World… a kind of virtual postcard from the spiraling Galactic edge.

Portal/Whimsical page 56
Previous Beyond / Next Life Support

By Ed Caldwell

I’m retired. Except for some unavoidable honey-dos, I pretty much goof off for a living now. My website is spirit rewarding fun for me and I hope, uplifting and enlightening fun for you.