God Talk

High hopes… Sometimes, I can “hear” God more distinctly in my mind. He has to correct me a lot. Because I tend to make a lot of mistakes. I’m a stubborn human. Sometimes it takes me a while to write God’s message. I’m possessed of a busy disordered brain. Lots going on in there at… Continue reading God Talk

Off Grid

An old/new perspective “Off grid” is a term indicating non conforming. It’s used for example, to describe a CAD datapoint that’s outside the established computer design coordinate system. It’s also used to categorize people who live in the wilderness independent from mainstream society. In Words, I write a bit about my spiritual thinking. My thoughts… Continue reading Off Grid

Sean of the South

Truth is the MOST important ingredient of Ed’s Art Net… Heck, the whole Universe! I don’t struggle with truth but I struggle with fluid and uncluttered thinking, especially when writing. It’s a gene thing but it’s okay! I think that I’m getting better at writing and I’m feeling better mentally these days. Probably because I… Continue reading Sean of the South

Well Spaced

Sometimes I think I would make a good spaceman… I enjoy being alone as much as being with others because I have my Art brain. The Internet is well ‘space’ suited for “alone” remote audience commonology oriented work like Ed’s Website. Because the Internet is crowdless. Nobody physically goes there. The world wide web exists only within the electronic ether. … Continue reading Well Spaced


I learned a long time ago that water is what causes babies. It explains a lot, because there’s lots of water most places on the planet. Ergo there’s more babies and “grown up” babies than you can shake a stick at. I think shaking a stick wouldn’t hold up because either the stick would break… Continue reading Water

God Package

I was introduced to Christianity at an early age. I was a typical wacky kid with a wild imagination. While I was growing up, I maintained God’s image from the seed in my little child’s brain as a beautiful, older than anybody, white haired, white robed, bearded, distant, brightly glowing super Man with a tall staff… Continue reading God Package


I don’t watch the news much, but I watched a popular news channel show yesterday evening. There were some noticeably disturbing messages.  Paraphrasing… ”We are on the verge of global nuclear war. Our USA government is lying to us. Some people believe that cheating and lying is okay. Men are in the process of losing their… Continue reading Crisis


What do we know?  For one, we know that people love to know things. People love knowing things so much that sometimes they will PRETEND to know something that they virtually know nothing about. Unfortunately, pretending to know something that we know nothing about leads to even more people unknowingly not knowing what they think… Continue reading Knowing


I’m not always “here” in the true sense of the word “here”, but I’m always some “where” due to the restrictive nature of physical laws. However, at some point, I may be forever anywhere at anytime due to the nonrestrictive nature of spiritual laws. (Learned the spiritual part from my religion studies and the physical part from… Continue reading Here