
🌴 Inspired words

…are that which reach the soul and engulf the spirit as a beautiful thought.

Home is where the mind can rest…
and the spirit can soar!

My thoughts move with the proverbial wind. (Mattered and scattered comes to mind.) When I was young, words were boring. I would β€œread” books by studying the illustrations. I had to grow a lot before appreciating the art of words. Words can stitch people spiritually together that are socially and geographically parsecs apart. Words can give us hope. Words can be a beautiful feeling. Words can inspire.

Blog Catalogue:

”What light thru yon window breaks?”


1. Life β€“ brief outline of my God search
2. God Package β€“ an evolutionary image of God
3. Feeling – a spiritual view
4. Unique β€“ human individualism
5. The Road β€“ spiritual travel
6. Heaven β€“ brief look at God’s secure domain
7. StarShip β€“ brief look at our sun and where it’s leading
8. God β€“ brief look at the Creator
9. Jesus β€“ the Son of Man
10. Matter of Color β€“ the common denominator of race

11. Inside❀️Out β€“ testament to healing
12. Simply Put β€“ message in a bottle
13. Mental Health β€“ my layman’s opinion
14. Satan β€“ is a solvable conundrum
15. Overcoming β€“ is about being kind
16. Help β€“ what many need but don’t ask
17. Works in Progress β€“ spiritual growth

18. Dear Audience β€“ introduction
19. God Speak β€“ is about listening
20. Moonstruck β€“ is about hope
21. Love ❀️ – my β€œElihu” message
22. Friends β€“ is about church

23. Minds – making sense out of senses
24. Blueprint πŸ’™ – in the Lord’s Prayer
25. Nested – a challenge
26. Off Grid β€“ about being different
27. Dust – a challenge

28. Web Friends β€“ a dedication
29. Sean of the South β€“ is about a favorite writer
30. Angel β€“ a testament to more than us
31. Growing Up β€“ a snapshot
32. Bipolar β€“ is geared toward awareness
33. Suicide β€“ what I know about it
34. AllSpark β€“ brief look at the inner me
35. Audience β€“ brief spiritual observance
36. Death β€“ a look at the afterlife
37. The Twig β€“ a look at Creation
38. Life Choice β€“ is about the sanctity of life
39. The Plow β€“ a brief look at purpose
40. Guns β€“ a brief look at criminals and protectors
41. Why on Earth β€“ extraterrestrial conjecture
42. OuterSpace β€“ the wonder of β€œout there”
43. Memories – how I met my wife

44. Birds β€“ relaxing on my front porch
45. Perfect β€“ playful look at growing up
46. Connections β€“ whimsical look at my website
47. Knowing β€“ whimsical view of humans
48. Crisis β€“ a look at media news casting
49. Culture Twists β€“ whimsical look at cultural thingys
50. Cosmic Twists β€“ whimsical look at cosmic thingys
51. Well Spaced β€“ fun look at me and the internet
52. Water β€“ serious and humorous look at populating
53. Fleas β€“ is funnyish
54. Mosquitoes β€“ is funnyish
55. Beyond β€“ storyboard for a short mixed media film
56. Here β€“ another brief look at the inner me
57. Life Support β€“ deep dive into waking up


1. Wind Therapy β€“ motorcycle adventures
2. Wild Hawgs – riders group
3. God Wink β€“ pareidolia
4. Riding with Angels β€“ guarded soul
5. Destinations β€“ road trips
6. Encounters β€“ critter counters
7. Yona β€“ my ride

I’m not a webmaster, I’m more of a webmuster. I must apologize to those of you who commented on my WebsiteBuilder, β€œWords” webpage prior to July 2022. That’s when I converted it to WordPress blog format and lost your WebsiteBuilder formatted comments. Because I mostly don’t know what I’m doing… God only knows what I’m doing!

Ed’s Website 🌴
Casting to the Net


This page dedicated to Virginia Thompson and Marlin Caldwell (parents of a lost child)

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πŸ”΄ Art 🟒 Words πŸ”΅ Music ⚫️

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By Ed Caldwell

I’m retired. Except for some unavoidable honey-dos, I pretty much goof off for a living now. My website is spirit rewarding fun for me and I hope, uplifting and enlightening fun for you.