
if the moon were to speakwould it not be humbling… all our howling rebounding… Out of the primordial storm into the postmodern light… we romance the moon with loving eyes and inquisitive feet. We collectively know something of what it’s like to leave footprints on the moon. Someday we may know something of what it’s… Continue reading Moonstruck

The Road

Decisions, decisions, decisions… life is full of them. “The Road”inspiration comes from motorcycle touring adventure in the southern Appalachian Mountains. There decisions unfold with the mountain curves and breezes. Riding airs out the soul leaving serenity in place of stress. Mountain roads and views put everything in proper perspective. Problems tend to loose their weight,… Continue reading The Road


When I was very young, I wanted to be an artist. I loved drawing and painting. I did finally become a professional artist and eventually became interested in animation. I have lots of story ideas. This is one of them.  The opening scene is a sunny day at Rodin’s, “The Thinker”. The camera focus begins… Continue reading Beyond


work, sing and playlike the songbird greets the sunwith thanks for a new dayand grace from an old one I’ve mentioned that I have a knack for the obvious. So this post is not going to surprise you. Of all the creatures I’ve personally encountered, birds are the most spiritually inspiring. First off, they personify… Continue reading Birds


As far as I know, nothing is as inevitably constant as death. We cannot bank with any assurance on any of “life’s” adventures. Most often we haven’t a clue what’s around the next corner. We frequently wing it when it comes right down to it. Discovery is inspiration for the wandering soul. Not so with… Continue reading Death


God meant for us to be observant. He loves attention. The above image features our natural starship nestled in its familiar orbit. Which, according to Wiki, is leading our solar system at a speed of close to 500,000 miles per hour around the Milky Way center. Which is heading at roughly 300,000 mph towards merging with… Continue reading StarShip

Why on Earth

if the moon were to speak would it not be humbling… all our howlingrebounding… For the benefit of anyone who would like an explanation, the above poem suggests what we might collectively feel like when an advanced intelligence physically visits our mostly self focused little “pale blue dot” of a planet. They could be from… Continue reading Why on Earth