
Home is where the mind can rest and the spirit can soar! Inspired Words 🌴 …are that which reach the soul and engulf the spirit as a beautiful thought. My thoughts move with the proverbial wind. (Mattered and scattered comes to mind.) When I was young, words were boring. I would “read” books by studying… Continue reading Contents


Let’s get healthy. No matter how many times a lie is repeated, it doesn’t become truth. But if the lie is about a person, place, or thing that you fear and/or hate, you may tend to believe it… or desire to believe it to the point of irrational thinking and behavior. Fear and hate are… Continue reading Trumpster


M42 Image from Cloudbait Observatory Many believe that we were created from star stuff. And that stars were born from the very hot and super compressed matter creation event science calls the Big Bang theory. Many believe that the Big Bang was caused by God. And that everything that’s been created since the beginning, is… Continue reading Dust

Blueprint 💙

Worship Herein, is an approach to worshiping God. I’m not a prophet or clergy, I’m a commonologist with no credentials other than I love God… same as a lot of other folks. I’m just compelled to write about it. But it’s just my opinion. Everybody has one. I believe the best way to worship and… Continue reading Blueprint 💙

Dear Audience

Thank you for visiting my website! This letter is an introduction to my five page site summary message about sharing love for others. A hypertext link is placed at the bottom of each post for selecting the subsequent page, linking them in order. 🔗 My assertion that the Bible is not entirely perfect is blasphemous to… Continue reading Dear Audience

God Talk

High hopes… Sometimes, I can “hear” God more distinctly in my mind. He has to correct me a lot. Because I tend to make a lot of mistakes. I’m a stubborn human. Sometimes it takes me a while to write God’s message. I’m possessed of a busy disordered brain. Lots going on in there at… Continue reading God Talk


if the moon were to speakwould it not be humbling… all our howling rebounding… Out of the primordial storm into the postmodern light… we romance the moon with loving eyes and inquisitive feet. We collectively know something of what it’s like to leave footprints on the moon. Someday we may know something of what it’s… Continue reading Moonstruck

Simply Put

The world could use a little Prozac. Especially the people that are hooked on always watching the mainstream news. It’s unhealthy mental digestion to constantly eat up the negative headlines. A better diet consists of more interaction with family and friends in a fun way. If your family reminds you of mainstream news, then perhaps… Continue reading Simply Put

Heart Felt

I just celebrated my birthday. I’m younger now than I will ever be again. Some things haven’t changed much since I was born. The human world, according to mainstream news, is still in a state of extreme evil coated chaos. Love would be a good focus for EVERYBODY. But some people are speaking out in… Continue reading Heart Felt

Mental Health

In my layman’s opinion, mental illness is a physical brain disorder and should not be completely separated from physical illness. A disordered brain will have some sort of physical failure. Either or both physically witnessed trauma (severe stress) and natural (inherited) chemical dysfunction.  Mental illness can be mild, severe, undetected and unresolved which can undermine… Continue reading Mental Health