”When the final line is over
And it’s certain that the curtain’s gonna fall
I can hide inside your sweet, sweet love
The Story in Your Eyes – Moody Blues

(She had to fix the bicycle chain)
This is my youngest daughter’s corner of this website. Katie’s a medical master’s degree health professional that enjoys writing like her ole dad!

Making Memories

Katie, Gracie, Dustin, Bella

Congratulations to the happy couple married October 25, 2024! ❤️

Ripple Effects – is about the “effect” effect
Time is a Thief – is about the speed of life

Ripple Effects
by Katie Caldwell
I have always struggled with having just one favorite of anything. Favorite book? Too many to choose only one title as my most favorite. Favorite movie? Forget it! Even to this day I have favorite colors…not just one. Food? It’s the same. Well, except for maybe donuts – the homemade small shop kind like you can find on St. George Island, FL…but let’s just call those one of my favorite treats!
Sometimes, when I really think about a book or movie that’s had an impact on me, I always return to It’s a Wonderful Life. It’s profound to think about how our actions can have ripple effects into our world and the people in it.
I’ve told my dad how I’m glad he fought the battles he has and kept pushing through. I wouldn’t be here if his life had taken a different direction. And I’m so proud of how he broke the cycle of addiction and trauma from his childhood to create his own life…his own journey… his own story.
As a child, I don’t recall wanting for anything of significance. I’m sure my parents have stories of me throwing a tantrum or fit for some toy or meaningless material something at some point- but when I think back on my childhood- I only have fond memories of playing in the creek with my sister, us building forts in the backyard, and having plenty of toys, board games, Nintendo games, and books…Not to mention the multiple sports we both played! I can hear Mom yelling down to us at the creek “Dinner is ready!” I can see Dad arriving home from working and me running to him and then he would scoop me up in his arms and give me a big hug. I can see my sister and I walking across the street to my aunt’s house for lunch or dinner or movies and running around her back yard…so many wonderful childhood memories.
I wish I could take away the pain and hardships he has suffered from… as we all wish we could when we have family or friends who have been hurt or are still hurting. But I’m so proud, as an adult now looking back at my life, that he has been able to persevere through so many obstacles and make a life that has had a ripple effect on me and my family.
I think, perhaps, part of my “keep going when the going gets tough” mindset, I owe to him.
Thank you, Dad, for allowing me to share in this sacred space that I know you hold dear in your heart. Your ripples are still ever-reaching.
-Kate (Your favorite youngest daughter)
Starting near but reaching far,
Sometimes the end unknown…
Yet the ripples travel on,
Reaching worlds unshown…
Their travel can be far and wide,
Touching depths along…
That merely started as a drop,
From the shore alone.
Time is a Thief
by Katie Caldwell
January 3, 2024

I recently celebrated my pup’s ninth birthday– Gracie Mae. I felt sentimental-as many do when birthdays, anniversaries, milestones come and go. The old adage that time is a thief popped into my mind. After all she was an 8-week-old Valentine’s Day gift to myself just the other day. 😉
I decided though, that this was unfair to the time lived between that word—”thief.” It’s simple but wonderful and full of life—countless walks, runs, joyful last days with her first best friend who taught her how to be feisty but sweet and love everyone she meets. The exploded toys and ones tethered into a single strand cloth because when she plays she plays hard and always has. Her cuddles have increased as she’s slowed down just a tad—which is sometimes hard to notice with all the year’s we’ve had and the way she still can play as if she were a puppy coming home for the first time. I know her favorite places are the same as mine—a sunrise on the beach where time stands still in snapshots in my mind…
At this very moment, Goose (one of her many, many nicknames) is sitting on my lap while I type these words. I think she learned this from her older kitty sister, Lexi. I see more these days the white halo forming around her face as she grows older. And I don’t know how much longer I have with her on this earth, but I’ll continue to enjoy each walk and destroyed toy and watching her play and run while I’m lucky enough to have her still on this side of heaven.
Time is a Thief is dedicated to Emma, her pup cousin and first and best friend who crossed the rainbow bridge in 2023.

I love your poem, Ripples! You’re a smart and deep thinker!
I sometimes wonder how I was able to inherit such a wonderful family.
Without going into detail…except for my ten years younger sister Laura… my parents, siblings and I were mostly sick and broken.
Dysfunctional is the simplest way to describe us.
You mentioned in your Ripple Effects piece that you wished that you could take away my pain and hardships. Thank you! We all want to do that for our loved ones. It’s part of loving someone else.
You are precious to me and I wish I could help you more with your pains and hardships. Everyone has some negativity to deal with. What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.
I’m way past the pain of my childhood. I past it when I inherited you and the rest of the family that I have now.
Love always,
Dear Ed and Katie: I’m afraid I identify with Ed’s family history, not even knowing the details. I so wish I’d had a life like yours, Katie. It sounds amazing! But my family was also broken by my mother’s mental health issues, which touched us all in different ways. I’m 73 now and have had many different counselors throughout my life, but the one I’ve been seeing for the last 4 years has changed my life completely! I’ve fought through so much, and it’s still a journey, but so much more peaceful and calm these days! Keep on writing and sharing-it’s much appreciated! (and thanks to Sean D 🥰 for leading me here!)
I’m so glad you’re finding peace! Thanks for sharing. And thanks for your sentiments about Katie. I’ve been blessed with a great family. They have given me peace and this website has been my counselor. I’m so glad you have a helping counselor too!
Thanks to both of you for being there! I’ll be reading you🙂
What a special bond between a father and a daughter. So sweet.
Ed, I enjoyed reading some of your posts, about your work, and your family. Keep on writing good buddy!
I’m glad you enjoyed your visit here! Ed’s ArtSite is built for my family and anyone else browsing by. I appreciate your encouragement, thanks buddy!!
✳️ SPECIAL NOTICE: November 3, 2024 – Allowing comments to my website opened the web door for a spam invasion. I got tons and tons of spam. Spam is not calming. Today, my comment forms were closed in order to stop the spam because I’ve received nothing but spam and no detected legitimate comments since July 5th. I can still be reached by email.