
if the moon were to speakwould it not be humbling… all our howling rebounding… Out of the primordial storm into the postmodern light… we romance the moon with loving eyes and inquisitive feet. We collectively know something of what it’s like to leave footprints on the moon. Someday we may know something of what it’s… Continue reading Moonstruck


I happen to be bipolar, but that’s not how I identify myself. I identify simply as a retired working family man. I have a loving family and lots of other mental help. No two people are exactly alike. And that holds true of the mentally ill. I think and feel that God is always helping… Continue reading Episode


“He alone stretches out the heavens and treads on the waves of the sea.” Job 9:8 NIV God doesn’t reveal how we will appear physically in Heaven. Jesus wasn’t easily recognized by His friend Mary Magdalene or His followers after the resurrection. God does not reveal EVERYTHING to us at once. Sometimes he waits a lifetime. Some of us need… Continue reading Heaven

Well Spaced

Sometimes I think I would make a good spaceman… I enjoy being alone as much as being with others because I have my Art brain. The Internet is well ‘space’ suited for “alone” remote audience commonology oriented work like Ed’s Website. Because the Internet is crowdless. Nobody physically goes there. The world wide web exists only within the electronic ether. … Continue reading Well Spaced


When I was very young, I wanted to be an artist. I loved drawing and painting. I did finally become a professional artist and eventually became interested in animation. I have lots of story ideas. This is one of them.  The opening scene is a sunny day at Rodin’s, “The Thinker”. The camera focus begins… Continue reading Beyond


As far as I know, nothing is as inevitably constant as death. We cannot bank with any assurance on any of “life’s” adventures. Most often we haven’t a clue what’s around the next corner. We frequently wing it when it comes right down to it. Discovery is inspiration for the wandering soul. Not so with… Continue reading Death

The Twig

Is God real? At first, God doesn’t speak or show Himself in a clear and precise way so we have to figure out on our own whether He is real. We figure this out from living and thinking about what it means to be alive. And studying the natural world. If we’re enlighteningly fortunate, we… Continue reading The Twig


I thought I would write about God. I’m always writing about myself, so it’s high time I wrote about someone else. But I have to write about God from my own perspective. So I reckon I can’t get away from that.  I have never seen God unless you count what I can see of the… Continue reading Feeling


What do we know?  For one, we know that people love to know things. People love knowing things so much that sometimes they will PRETEND to know something that they virtually know nothing about. Unfortunately, pretending to know something that we know nothing about leads to even more people unknowingly not knowing what they think… Continue reading Knowing