
Let’s get healthy. No matter how many times a lie is repeated, it doesn’t become truth. But if the lie is about a person, place, or thing that you fear and/or hate, you may tend to believe it… or desire to believe it to the point of irrational thinking and behavior. Fear and hate are… Continue reading Trumpster

Heart Felt

I just celebrated my birthday. I’m younger now than I will ever be again. Some things haven’t changed much since I was born. The human world, according to mainstream news, is still in a state of extreme evil coated chaos. Love would be a good focus for EVERYBODY. But some people are speaking out in… Continue reading Heart Felt


Why are some folks empowering criminals? That’s irrational. Criminals are dangerous and destructive. Social misfits. Doesn’t everyone know that? They do evil things to others. Criminals hurt others. Many criminals cannot be rehabilitated and giving them freedom from deterrents gives them more power to do evil. Why do I feel the need to spell out… Continue reading Guns