Blueprint 💙

Worship Herein, is an approach to worshiping God. I’m not a prophet or clergy, I’m a commonologist with no credentials other than I love God… same as a lot of other folks. I’m just compelled to write about it. But it’s just my opinion. Everybody has one. I believe the best way to worship and… Continue reading Blueprint 💙


Friends happen when you make them. God’s church is within each one of us. Whenever we gather in spiritual love… we’ve built a church. We’re always in church. We’re never outside the love of a spiritual church. A physical structure simply provides shelter. We’re in church when with a friend. We’re in God’s presence when we’re… Continue reading Friends

Love ❤️

…is God’s message I like to imagine myself as a today’s “Elihu”. He was a commonologist. We are one human race made up of billions of INDIVIDUALS. We each have unique thoughts, so having different detail beliefs about God is expected. If we think rationally about one another’s cultural inheritance and respect that we each… Continue reading Love ❤️