The Road

Decisions, decisions, decisions… life is full of them. “The Road”inspiration comes from motorcycle touring adventure in the southern Appalachian Mountains. There decisions unfold with the mountain curves and breezes. Riding airs out the soul leaving serenity in place of stress. Mountain roads and views put everything in proper perspective. Problems tend to loose their weight,… Continue reading The Road

Sean of the South

Truth is the MOST important ingredient of Ed’s Art Net… Heck, the whole Universe! I don’t struggle with truth but I struggle with fluid and uncluttered thinking, especially when writing. It’s a gene thing but it’s okay! I think that I’m getting better at writing and I’m feeling better mentally these days. Probably because I… Continue reading Sean of the South

Well Spaced

Sometimes I think I would make a good spaceman… I enjoy being alone as much as being with others because I have my Art brain. The Internet is well ‘space’ suited for “alone” remote audience commonology oriented work like Ed’s Website. Because the Internet is crowdless. Nobody physically goes there. The world wide web exists only within the electronic ether. … Continue reading Well Spaced

God Package

I was introduced to Christianity at an early age. I was a typical wacky kid with a wild imagination. While I was growing up, I maintained God’s image from the seed in my little child’s brain as a beautiful, older than anybody, white haired, white robed, bearded, distant, brightly glowing super Man with a tall staff… Continue reading God Package


work, sing and playlike the songbird greets the sunwith thanks for a new dayand grace from an old one I’ve mentioned that I have a knack for the obvious. So this post is not going to surprise you. Of all the creatures I’ve personally encountered, birds are the most spiritually inspiring. First off, they personify… Continue reading Birds


Jesus, in speaking about children, told us that the kingdom of heaven is meant for “such as these”… Maybe because kids are too young to keep themselves out of Heaven. I take it to mean we don’t need to worry about their soul. God has them covered. <<<<<<>>>>>> When I was a child I thought… Continue reading Perfect


I don’t watch the news much, but I watched a popular news channel show yesterday evening. There were some noticeably disturbing messages.  Paraphrasing… ”We are on the verge of global nuclear war. Our USA government is lying to us. Some people believe that cheating and lying is okay. Men are in the process of losing their… Continue reading Crisis


I’m not always “here” in the true sense of the word “here”, but I’m always some “where” due to the restrictive nature of physical laws. However, at some point, I may be forever anywhere at anytime due to the nonrestrictive nature of spiritual laws. (Learned the spiritual part from my religion studies and the physical part from… Continue reading Here


Harmony When I was young, creating art and music was all consuming. I painted on my bedroom walls, ceiling and anything else that was handy. I played my second hand black Harmony 1950s model semi hollow body electric guitar every available moment. Music and art flowed from me like rain off the Appalachian Mountains! As… Continue reading “AllSpark”