
Touched with Fire is an artful book written about bipolar disorder. That book can help the curious understand some of the various individual behaviors of a disordered brain.

Mental illness is widespread and mostly undetected.

My website has always been my therapist but is also geared towards the hopeful helping of others. I don’t attend church though I’ve tried. I think God’s Grace has other plans for me. I think my supportive church is spiritually embedded in the ether. Physical churches are just too “busy” for my disordered brain. The internet doesn’t run on a schedule and is always open as long as the hardware and software are working. They’re “designed” to run 24/7.

I’ve been on various medications since 2003. My current dosage has been helping me the most since first starting a chemical regiment. Also, my website has been recently helping me the most since starting it, in 2007.

My today family is mostly healthy. Life is good. But I still battle with disordered thinking. That’s not going away until I die. God, my family, and His flock are helping me the most with that. I get a lot of positive energy from God and my family. But the demon is always tweaking at my thorn trying to discourage me.

I’ve always been an independent spirit. The internet is open and isolated which helps process and progress an independent and anxious mind.

And there’s lots of good folks gathering on the internet.

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By Ed Caldwell

I’m mostly retired. Except for some unavoidable honey-dos, I pretty much goof off for a living now. My last career job was designing internet operating circuit boards along with a distinguished team of engineers, managers and support personnel. Prior to that I was an electronics technician evolving into circuit board design in the defense industry working with tactical missile systems. My first career job was a professional artist. During my younger years I worked many odd jobs beginning at age nine with a newspaper delivery route.

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