
I happen to be bipolar, but that’s not how I identify myself. I identify simply as a retired working family man. I have a loving family and lots of other mental help.

No two people are exactly alike. And that holds true of the mentally ill.

I think and feel that God is always helping me. Even as I write this. He helps me sort my disordered thoughts. The “Devil” likes to throw me curve balls.

Love is God’s key to stability. Love is His key to everything.

Sunday September 10, 2023, I visited a known personal trigger point against my wife’s and nurse’s orders. Starship Asterisk is a web astronomy forum where people discuss mainly astronomy. There are other discussion topics where they get to know each other a bit. Love is shared there. It’s very beautiful. But they don’t allow religious discussion for obvious reasons. People tend to fight over their own personal beliefs and doctrines. Which is counter to what most religions teach. We don’t get it because as humans, we tend to focus mainly on ourselves. We’re only at our best when we focus outside ourselves helping others.

The reason I visited Starship Asterisk originally (in 2007) was that I love the “out there” of astronomy and needed mental therapy after my 2003 second major mental breakdown. I decided smart people at a free NASA backed astronomy forum would be helpful. My thinking was that we tend to blend socially. I knew it would be fun. I had a good web relationship with several of the people there.

The therapy I received at the astronomy forum was mixed with stress from their no religion discussion rule. I feel a very close tie with God for helping me with my mental health. Especially after my 2003 breakdown and during my subsequent recovery.

But as it turned out, this website (Ed’s Website also started in 2007) became my best therapist along with my supervising nurse. She actually understands my disordered brain.

Composing and editing my website actually helps me order my disordered thoughts.

The reason I violated orders is because I was compelled to. I have my own mind. I trust God. And I wanted to visit with my APOD Asterisk web friends. I was feeling mentally strong and wanted to “test the waters”. Unfortunately, some friends had left, one of whom had passed away.

My visit to Starship Asterisk became problematic again. It’s best to avoid known triggers. So I ended my SA visit when manic symptoms had begun to surface. I was fine shortly after leaving the forum.

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By Ed Caldwell

I was tired, now I’m REtired… Except for some unavoidable honey-dos, I pretty much goof off for a living now. I’m cruising through what’s left of my life like the songbird that greets the morning sun… With thanks for a new day, and grace from an old one. ❤️

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