Wind Therapy

…is a compilation of riding tidbits and road trip images mostly in North Georgia and the Southern Appalachian Mountains. It’s a fun read for anyone interested in motorcycle touring adventure.

Yona and me

I very much enjoy the sense of spiritual freedom that I get from the highway wind and the reassuring feel of a solid two wheel machine supporting me. It rejuvenates and lifts my youthful spirit. Riding alone with my thoughts tends to smooth out the rough edges life can throw at you. It’s medicine that I highly recommend.

Call of the Wind

feathers to the wind
past the clouds beyond our star
bound by earth but only so far
leans and scenes
thundering machine
wrangling angles
riding with angels
metal and man
traversing land
spirits as one
feathers to the sun

Indian Motorcycle Company

Biker Gallery

“Riding a motorcycle is like going out for a long walk without all that walking!”  author unknown
An old flame… November 2017 until October 2018 – This was my 2017 Indian Chief Classic… she got me back in the saddle after a 30 year motorcycle hiatus! This baby got me reacquainted with two wheel fun and got me singing again! But I only sang while cruising down the highway… so as not to annoy folks too much!
Tail of the Dragon – short video
Blue Ridge Parkway
Gadget out front and my intruding fingers adjusting the GoPro riding the beautiful Blue Ridge Parkway in Virginia. Every inch of the parkway I’ve seen has been beautiful. There are some semi-rough road surfaces here and there but all the scenery is incredible. If you’ve never ridden the BRP you are missing out! Pictures and videos don’t do the high spirited first hand experience justice.
GoPro Video 1
Modus operandi
8 minutes 52 seconds of Suches Loop

Rides page 1
Next see Wild Hawgs

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By Ed Caldwell

I’m retired. Except for some unavoidable honey-dos, I pretty much goof off for a living now. My website is spirit rewarding fun for me and I hope, uplifting and enlightening fun for you.