
Portal (a book of writings) introduction


under a tree
wondering to be
beyond the lee

amid the sea
outside of me
untethered and free

Many of us are drawn to the heavens. I imagine weā€™re the only species on the planet that dreams of outer space adventure!

What created this outer notion in my inner bipolar brain? Perhaps itā€™s my love for notional outer space adventure. Perhaps itā€™s the delusional nature of my cerebral cortex. Or perhaps Iā€™ve developed an inner space notion of an outer understandingā€¦ God knows!

God knows everythingā€¦ Even the reason for this website. I, myself, am often wandering in ponderous yonder wonder. I have an inkling that MUSTARD SEEDā€™s purpose is to push pause on our current sociocultural pathā€™s Christian perspective. Perhaps breaking a destructive spiritual cycleā€¦ God knows!

Before writing was inventedā€¦ rocks, plants and animals roamed the planet having been created by the uncaused Cause of the universe, who is infinitely more than a pronoun. In ā€œHisā€ infinite Devine designing wisdom He knew the complete life cycle of all Creationā€¦ to the smallest detailā€¦ start to finish, even before He ā€œspokeā€ the universe into existence. Which is just a wee bit beyond human comprehension. So none of us can know God fully, but thankfully, He knows each one of us inside and out. That truth alone, is reason for inner peaceā€¦ when love is at our core.

God bestowed spirit along with self-awareness to ā€œHisā€ creatures providing us with instinct, reason and purpose. Humans stand out from the other animals only because we were made with an awareness of the Creator. We have His ā€œimageā€ built in. We can emotionally ā€˜seeā€™ God in everything. Perhaps ā€œseeingā€ most obviously in the heavens. Our ā€œimageā€ of our Designer begins to come into focus when we look beyond ourselves towards others. At birth, we get our first closeup glimpse of God in our parentā€™s eyes. As we grow, so does our inner and outer horizon.


Here in the USA, native Americans worshipped God in a natural way. The European settlers worshipped God in their way and the founding fathers politically made religious freedom a guaranteed reality. But the Devilā€™s been pursuing us. Weā€™re faced with choices between whatā€™s good and bad every day. God helps us to make more good choices than bad when we listen to Him and not the Devil. The challenge is knowing who youā€™re listening to. The reward is love and healing when we fully understand the feeling in the spiritual messaging.

Us and our planet are intrinsically attached. Satan has been after the world since his beginning. The Devil is closer than ever to success with many of us. But itā€™s not the Devilā€™s fault. God set the stage. We are merely actors playing out our self-governed roles. When we listen for the Stage Masterā€™s reassuring voice and dismiss the heckler in the audience we are better able to enjoy the show.

Satanā€™s strength
is focused by our hate

Godā€™s strength
is focused by our love

Earth started out as Godā€™s creation. It still is. Humans are free-willed ā€˜gardenersā€™ of the planet. We connect spiritually with the Creator in many different ways. One is through Godā€™s etherial creation, Satan. Another is through Godā€™s natural creation, the Son. We connect physically through the obvious myriad of everything that makes up the universe. Love is practiced by many. Hate can be overcome because at the heart of everything is Love.

Portal Introduction
Life is page 1

Categorized as Portal

By Ed Caldwell

Iā€™m retired. Except for some unavoidable honey-dos, I pretty much goof off for a living now. My website is spirit rewarding fun for me and I hope, uplifting and enlightening fun for you.